On a quest through time, for a purpose so divine, bigger than mine, you cannot define. The child was born, through society he was sworn to live in fear or be the unborn. How it wished to lay, beside the one, who would teach him some after she was gone, but the crack of the past, through the ego that makes it last, kept them away and another wound was born. Artificiality and brutality, this is our reality, the blood of morality will birth spirituality. The echoes of trauma through the initial crack was etched in their blood, they seemed to be living in a state of coma, “Hey there! When will you honor your momma?” The change is now, and I shall pass, through your blood unsurpassed, I will become you and take you through, the initial crack that started this flu.Through our mother I hope to grow, the vibration of Haemogoblin, which is you.
Haemogoblin is the Goblin, who enters your blood through your ears through my music and becomes the ‘Haemoglobin’ which is the major constituent of our blood. By doing this I am allowed to speak to peoples sub conscious and upload all the information that I have downloaded from Mother Earth and ancient entities/ energies/ portals/ civilisations and gods and beings. The information is relative to the individual. It has the potential to inspire people to become more aware and sensitive beings, help people out of mental troubles and help them purge and convert into compatible energetic beings.